PMK 78/2024

DGT’s Statement on the Coretax-Related Issuance of MoF Reg. 78/2024

Redaksi DDTCNews | Jumat, 08 November 2024 | 09:43 WIB
DGT’s Statement on the Coretax-Related Issuance of MoF Reg. 78/2024

Illustration. ANTARA PHOTO/Erlangga Bregas Prakoso/foc.

JAKARTA, DDTCNews – The government has issued MoF Reg. 78/2024 concerning the Implementing Provisions on Stamp Duty. Promulgated on 18 October 2024, MoF Reg. 78/2024 has been in force since 1 November 2024. In respect of the issuance of this MoF Reg., the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) has released an official statement.

The DGT states that MoF Reg. 78/2024 has been issued to improve services and convenience in fulfilling the obligation to pay stamp duty. There is also the addition of a new type of stamps and adjustments to the regulation on the distribution of electronic stamps.

“The regulation is expected to provide a sense of fairness and legal certainty in the implementation of stamp duty collection,” the DGT wrote in Press Release Number SP-36/2024, quoted on Friday (8/11/2024).

According to the authority, MoF Reg. 78/2024 contains simpler, more systematic and comprehensive regulation. This is because there is a simplification of the minister of finance regulations in the field of stamp duty. Formerly, three minister of finance regulations stipulated stamp duty.

First, MoF Reg. 133/2021 concerning the Implementing Regulation of Government Regulation Number 86 of 2021 concerning the Procurement, Management and Sales of Stamps.

Second, MoF Reg. 134/2021 concerning Payment of Stamp Duty, General Characteristics and Special Characteristics of Adhesive Stamps, Unique Codes and Certain Information on Electronic Stamps, Stamps in Other Forms and Determination of the Validity of Stamps and Post-Dated Stamping.

Third, MoF Reg. 151/2021 concerning the Appointment of Stamp Duty Collecting Agents and Procedures for the Collection, Remittance and Filing of Stamp Duty. With the entry of force of MoF Reg. 78/2024, the three minister of finance regulations are declared repealed and invalid.

Summary of Regulation Differences

Through the press release, the DGT conveyed a summary of the differences between the regulation under MoF Reg. 78/2024 and the former regulations that have been repealed.

First, the electronic stamp distribution mechanism. Electronic stamps for stamp duty collecting agents are distributed directly by the Money-printing Public Corporation of the Republic of Indonesia (Perum Percetakan Uang Republik Indonesia/Perum Peruri in Indonesian). Electronic stamps were formerly distributed for collecting agents through distributors.

Second, the addition to the type of stamps in other forms. There is a new type of stamps in other forms, i.e., digital stamps.

Third, procedures for the licensing of stamps in other forms. The procedures for the granting of the permit to manufacture franked stamps, computerised stamps and impressed stamps are adjusted to the implementation of the Coretax Administration System (CTAS).

Fourth, remittance of the proceeds from the sales of adhesive stamps. The proceeds from the sales of adhesive stamps are remitted using a tax payment slip (Surat Setoran Pajak/SSP in Indonesian) or other administrative means equivalent to the tax payment slip. Remittance was only conducted using a tax payment slip.

Fifth, the determination of stamp duty collecting agents. The determination of taxpayers as stamp duty collecting agents may be performed based on the application by the taxpayer and submitted to the Tax Office (Kantor Pelayanan Pajak/KPP in Indonesian). This is in the context of the implementation of the CTAS. Taxpayers were only determined as stamp duty collecting agents ex officio.

Sixth, procedures for the collection, remittance and filing. The remittance and filing deadline is now no later than the 15th of the following month after the taxable period ends.

The remittance deadline was no later than the 10th of the following month after the taxable period ends and stamp duty returns were to be filed no later than the 20th of the following month after the taxable period ends. This is in the context of the implementation of CTAS.

“We hope that the public can understand the stamp duty regulation in a comprehensive and concise manner. We are also ready to assist in providing understanding through education to the community,” claimed the Director of Tax Dissemination, Services, and Public Relations of the DGT Dwi Astuti in the press release. (kaw)


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